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Who owns the garden?The garden is on land that is owned by NYC Parks Department. Through GreenThumb, a subset of Parks Department, community members have a license agreement for using the land for the purposes of establishing a community garden. Morning Glory was specifically launched as part of the Gardens for Healthy Communities Program launched in 2013.
Can I join the garden? If so, how?"Yes! Anyone can join the garden. We have garden beds available for those who want to garden. We have special projects and other ways for you to be involved if you do not wish to garden regularly. Contact us here to join the garden. You can also call us at 917-740-5611, please leave a message. We only ask the following: Be a Bronx Resident If you would like a garden bed, we ask for an annual fee of $30 for the entire year (this covers plants, seeds, soil and materials that we assist you with) Be respectful and courteous to everyone in the garden Please commit to being consistent. We only have a few meetings a year. If you have a garden bed, please tend to it regularly in the season. Abanadoned beds create more work for everyone else.
I walked by and you were closed, when are you open?"As of March 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Parks Department has required that we remain closed to the public until further notice. We are open to garden members, and limited numbers of volunteers to maintain appropriate social distancing requirements. Otherwise, our hours are updated regularly and can be found here. We are closed during the winter months and on days of heavy rain during the summer.
Where does all the food you grow go to?The food we grow on urban farm half of the garden goes to three places. 1. Our Harvest box program for Bronx residents 2. Our peppers go to the Bronx Hot Sauce, by Small Axe Peppers 3. Remaining food is shared with garden members, sold in the community or sold wholesale. Additional food grown by our members is solely for their personal use.
Do you get paid to run the garden, are you city employees?"No, we are not paid or copensated in any way. Morning Glory is a volunteer organization. We are not a non-profit and do not receive any regular public funding of any kind. The garden's income comes primarily from harvest box sales and member dues. No one at the garden is employed by the City of New York.
What do you grow in the garden?We primarily grow edible plants and native perrenials. We grow many different varieties of fruits and vegetables, medicinal herbs, culinary herbs and annual flowers.
What is a community garden? What is GreenThumb?A commuity garden is a community-run garden space on a vacant or irregular parcel of land. There are several types of gardens run by schools, churches and non-profit organizations. Our garden, and most gardens, are specifically run by the City of New York through GreenThumb--a subset of the Parks Department. GreenThumb gardens are located in all five boroughs throughout the city. Some are green spaces meant for relaxation and as a community meeting space, others are full–fledged farms, and many are a mix of uses. Volunteer gardeners run these spaces and are of diverse ages and backgrounds. GreenThumb provides programming and material support to over 500 community gardens in New York City. Workshops, are held at gardens throughout the city every month of the year, covering gardening basics to more advanced farming and community organizing topics. GreenThumb was initiated in response to the city’s financial crisis of the 1970s, which resulted in the abandonment of public and private land. The majority of GreenThumb gardens were derelict vacant lots renovated and revived by volunteers in the community. These community gardens, provide important green spaces, thus improving air quality, bio–diversity, and the well–being of residents.
Can I volunteer or help the garden?Yes you can! We always need help and welcome anyone who wishes to come volunteer. We try to have regular volunteer days during the summer, however, due to COVID-19 we are not allowed to schedule volunteer days. We can schedule volunteer days with individuals or very small groups. Please email us directly to find out when the next volunteer opportunities are. If you can not volunteer, but wish to support us in some way, please visit our Support Page, it has information regarding donations and our Wish List for the garden.
Do you have programming for children or summer jobs?We do not presently have programming for children or youth and are unable to do so due to the ongoing pandemic. Many families are part of the garden and children are a regular presence. If you wish to help us organize activites or events, please contact us. In the past we have had summer employment opportunities and have been a participant site for the Youth Leadership Council program run by the Mayor's Office.
Where does your soil come from?Our soil comes from four sources: 1. Parks Department 2. Composting done on site 3. Department of Sanitation's Compost Program 4. Donations or purchases
Why do you grow food in raised beds and containers?We are requirrd to do so by Parks Department for many reasons. Primarily, because the existing soil on site may be high in heavy metals such as lead. Additionally, our soil may have contaminants and Ph levels that are undesireable as the garden was previously the site of demolished homes Raised beds give us greater control over the quality and nutrient content of our soil.
What are those cats doing in your garden?Several cats from around the nerighborhood have established colonies in the area, including the small wooded space behind the garden. We are TNR (Trap Nueter and Release) certified by the Mayor's Alliance and the APCA. We have worked with the ASPCA to nueter and spay the cats that live in the garden. Four of the six cats that live in the garden have been fixed. The cats help keep rodents and other pests away. They're also ridiculously cute.
How much money does the City give you each year?None! The City of New York does not provide us with any funding. We do receive some material assistance and technical support through the City via GreenThumb (a subset of Parks Department) and other non-governmental organizations. GrowNYC and Bronx Green Up (NYBG) have been instrumental in our development and support over the years. We primarily fund ourselves through sales from our harvest box program, member fees and occasional grants. As of 2016, we are funded almost exclusively by food sales and member fees.
Is this the same Morning Glory from 2009-2011?Yes and no. Yes, we are the same organization that squatted on city-owned land from 2009-2011. At the time we were unable to attain a licensed garden space. We refused to be denied access to land in our own community and we sought to make our own garden. We chose a large, vacant and poorly maintained lot in our community. We took it over, cleaned it up and established a garden on that land over a two and a half year period. However, most of our membership from that time is no longer present. We were without a space for three years, and in that time the only two remaining members were able to work towards securing a new location. Presently, we are now a fully licensed garden space under GreenThumb/Parks Department.
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